2025 Football Registration Information
Opens 1st February 2020
Registrations can only be completed online via PlayFootball. Register now via https://www.playfootball.com.au/register
Please note when registering in PlayFootball you will be asked to:
1. Contact the club before registering, this is not necessary unless you require additional information about registration, including accessing the clubs 'Inclusion Policy' if financial assistance is required
2. Upload a current photo
3. Provide your Active Kids Voucher ID number
Active Kids Voucher Program:
Every child (4.5 - 18 years old) who has a current Medicare card, residing in NSW and is enrolled in school from Kindergarten to Year 12 is eligible for $100 voucher each calendar year. This includes those who are home-schooled or enrolled in secondary school education at TAFE NSW.
You must have the ID number prior to registering in PlayFootball, as it will need to be entered into the payment page in PlayFootball to claim your rebate.
For more information please go to: Active Kids Voucher Program
1. Log onto PlayFootball https://www.playfootball.com.au/register
2. Click the 'Start Registration' button at the bottom right of page
3. Follow the registration process
4. Fees are to be paid online in PlayFootball, unless alternate arrangements have been made with the club
All registrations must be completed online by TBA
Registration Enquiries:
For any further information, please contact:
Chris Bullock - Registrar
Email: president@melroseparkfc.com.au (Attention Registrar)
Phone: 0425 229 561